Konrad Iturbe - Chernowii Apps

GoProVR - Cardboard GoPro VR 1.1
NOTE: Only compatible withHERO2/HERO3/HERO3+/HERO+/HERO+LCD for now!HERO4 BLACK/SILVER/SESSION support coming soon!Watch what your GoPro camera sees from your Google cardboardheadsetHow to:Turn WiFi ON and set the video resolution to 1440p/960pdepending on your camera, then connect the phone to GoPro wifi andopen the app, then insert your phone in the cardboard viewercontact: [email protected]
Papers - CIE Exam Browser 1.2
An app to get Question papers and markschemesfrom IGCSE Cambridge syllabus.This is an app to browse both question papers and mark schemesinXtremePapers.com, the browsing scope is narrowed to CIEIGCSE.You can select syllabus, year, paper, etc...It allows to Download the paper, save it or share the URL.It uses Material Design guidelines, use it as eye candy.
Wear Tuner 1.1
This app has two main functions: Generatingafrequency, from 1K Hz to 20K Hz and tuning your guitar. Makesureyour watch has hardware speaker and Android Wear 1.4+ (MM6.0.1+).Current watches with speakers: Huawei Watch, ASUS ZenWatch2 Largegen.This app has twomainfunctions: Generating a frequency, from 1K to 20K Hz Hz andtuningyour guitar. Make sure you watch your hardware and AndroidWearspeaker 1.4+ (MM 6.0.1+). Current watches with speakers:HuaweiWatch, ASUS ZenWatch 2 Large gene.
[Root] Theater Time for Wear 1.3.3
This app aims to control the Theater Mode,afeature that turns your Android Wear watch's screen to pitchblack,to avoid any distractions or light emitted from thescreen.You can use the Intents with Tasker/AutomateIt to turnon/offTheater Mode for almost any situation, for instance when youarrivework/school or your phone is charging...More updates coming soon!**NOTE:** Root access is required on the watch to injectthesettings into the system, the phone does not needrootaccess.Root your watch here: 6.0.1 Marshmallow: http://forum.xda-developers.com/apps/supersu/android-wear-6-0-1-root-squashfs-t3319097/post65428079#post654280795.0 - 5.1.1 LP: http://rootjunkysdl.com/getdownload.php?file=LG%20G%20Watch/Root/Wear-SuperSU-v2.40.zipFlash the corresponding ZIP file to the watch by using arecoverysuch as TWRP.The app has been tested on: LG G Watch, Sony SmartWatch 3.Source code: https://github.com/KonradIT/TheaterTime
Wear Slides 1.5
This is an app that aims to switch slides in a presentation on acomputer, the phone must be connected to the same network as thecomputer and the computer must be running a python script foundhere: http://github.com/KonradIT/WearSlides Enter the IP Address ofthe computer in the app and you are ready to control thepresentation!\ Works with most presentation software(LibreOffice/OpenOffice/MS Office...) Supports Always On. Moreinfo: https://github.com/KonradIT/WearSlides#wearslides
Soundboard for Wear (Speaker) 1.0
NOTE: This app ONLY works with AndroidWearwatches with built in speaker support and Marshmallow WearOSSuch as Huawei Watch, ASUS ZenWatch 2 Large...Sounds available:Most MLG soundsSmall loanRickroll/SaxrollWhy you lyingAnd more.
CUBE - The VR and Wear game 1.2
COMPATIBLE WITH GOOGLE CARDBOARDCUBE is a game forked from Google's Cardboard VR Sample"TreasureHunt", which features a wear companion app to use asaremote.
[root] Reboot Tile 1.0
These are QuickSettings tiles thatintegrateinto your Quick Settings toggles, to add them tap the EDITbuttonand drag the tiles. Android N+ (??.??) OS needed.
Wear Root Check 1.0
Check your Android Wear watch's root status and more
ID4R Countdown WatchFace 1.0
A watchface that shows the days tilltherelease of Independence Day: Resurgence sequel filmOnly for Android Wear, Analog and Digitalwatchfacesavailable.
HTTP GET Commander for Wear 1.0
This app allows you to send up to 4differentHTTP GET requests, Android Wear module included.
Helper for KDE Connect 1.0
Automatically opens links from KDE Connect or displays an alertwith actions (copy, share, open as) Needs KDE Connect to work.
Tally Counter Tile 1.0
A simple tally counter quick settings tile, works for Android 7.0Nougat+
Notedown Tile 1.0
Notedown tile is a tile to share whatever you have in mind, justtap the tile and write your thoughts, tweet, message to someone ora note, then share it with your desired app or person.
Wear Timelase Calculator 1.1
Calculate the timelapse interval fortimelapsesupported cameras (eg: GoPro, Nikon, Canon...) from yourandroidwear watchNOTE: You need a keyboard installed in the watch, suchasMinuum Keyboard
[Root] Wear Battery Control 1.0
NOTE: The app needs the phone to be rooted and running 5.0 Lollipopor higher Wear Battery Control is an app to switch On or Off thebattery saver on your phone, when your phone is at low batterylevel it kicks a mode called battery saver which reduces the 3Gworking time, GPS, WiFi, using this app you can switch on or offthe battery saving mode Source code:https://github.com/KonradIT/WearBatteryControl
SpritzVR - Cardboard Reading 1.0
SpritzVR allows you to use Spritz speedreading tech to read quickly using a VR cardboard headset.Allows changing the speed.
Notebble - Push Text to Pebble 1.0
Notebble allows you to push any text to your Pebble watch, justselect the text, open the watchapp and share with Notebble.Watchapp download link:https://apps.getpebble.com/en_US/application/57ceb0974a6ad94b2b000089?query=notebble&section=watchapps
CamControl for GoPro 4.2
Rewrite coming soon. Stay tuned.
Blob Sticker Pack for WhatsApp 1.0
Get the Blobs back again! Sticker pack for WhatsApp